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Dingle Adventure Race Map

Kayak Training evenings

Improve your kayak skills, techniques or just gain confidence for the kayaking section of Dingle Adventure Race. 2 hour evening training in Dingle and lakes of Killarney, cost €20

Dates 2011

23rdMay Monday Dingle 7-9pm
26th May Thursday killarney 7-9pm
31st May Tuesday Dingle 7-9pm
2nd June Thursday Killarney 7.30-9.30pm

Contact Noel to book on 0874190318 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dear competitors,

The Dingle Adventure Race map is now up on the site.

Map of Route


  1. Cycle

  2. Mountain Hike

  3. Run

  4. Kayak

Route description

1. Cycle: Dingle to Cloghane via Conor Pass. Distance 25km / 15.5 mls Height Gain 490m, Height Loss 490m

All of cycle is on surfaced roads.

2. Hike / Mountain Run. Cloghane to Baile Breac.  Distance 10km / 6.5mls Height Gain 950m, Height Loss 780m

All of Mountain Hike Run is on rough trails.

3. Road Run. Baile Breac to Milltown Bridge, Dingle. Distance 10.5km / 6.8mls Height Gain 60m, Height Loss 230m

4. Kayak. Kayak Loop 2km then run 1km to Dingle Marina. Distance 3km / 1.5 mls Height Loss or Gain 0


Total Distance 48km/30 mls Height Gain 1470m / 4,850ft Height Loss 1470m / 4,850ft