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FINAL BRIEFING NOTES Please check on 5th June for updates

Hope you are looking forward to Dingle Adventure Race on Saturday 7th June. Forecast

Please read all email below to be clear of what is happening for the Dingle Adventure Race. INDIVIDUALS AND RELAY MEMBERS

Race number at Registration.
No numbers are sent out prior to registration, at registration you will check you name in alphabetical order and your Race number will be next to it.

No litter on course, all energy bar and gel wrappers to be put away in your pockets/ bag. After water stations you may drop plastic cups with 10-20 meters. Water at all transitions and 1 water stop half way on road run between Baile Breac to Dingle.
It is an Adventure Race, course is signed but your must pay attention, if you go off course then pay more attention at next sign. 

Bike stickers in your registration packs, make sure on bike so it is in the right place when you come back to Dingle. Nobody can collect bike unless you have race number, tickets available at registration if you plan on getting someone to collect your bike. Enter the start area between 08.30 and 08.50 where mandatory kit will be checked. Race leaves at 9.00 from Marina, but Racing is not allowed until Garda escort is finished by end of Dingle town, where you start to climb the Conor Pass hill, YOU WILL HEAR THE AIR HORN.

Competitors must register on Friday evening or very early between 07.00-07.45 Sat morning registration.

Registration is at the Marina in Dingle, white building where all sail boats are; follow signs.
Registration is open Friday from 5.00 to 10.30 / 11.00pm
Registration is open Sat morning from 7.00 till 08.00, competitors who have arranged for Sat morning should be there 07.00 to 07.30 at the latest, race will start at 9 weather you have checkin or not, so be there EARLY, No registration for DAR after 08.00 on Sat.
At registration you collect: DAR cycling top, Race number, safety pins x4, Map, Timing Chip.
Don't forget your timing chip in the morning or lose it, you will be charged 30 euro for loss of chip
There is no goodies bag, but plenty of extras soup, fruit,(at end of race, music and food (Danno's Pub, opposite tourist office) All Welcome, was great crowd last year, band.

Race safety briefing notes only for 2014, please read fully 

Car Parking is free along streets in Dingle, advise is to park anywhere along streets and cycle to Start, the only Pay and display car parks are the 2 large Car parks near start/finish and the one near the back of Super value

There are no drop offs of equipment to transition areas, all equipment must be carried with you for the entire race (only exception while kayaking)

This compulsory kit will be checked going into start and at finish, anyone without any part will be given a standing 1min penalty for each item missing, even at start line. 
Compulsory Kit
Small backpack / bumbag/ or kept securely in cycle top.
Wind-proof / waterproof top
Small first Aid kit
Drink bottle
Energy Bar
Hat or Buff

Race number,
(to be worn on the front) & Map
Water available at all transitions areas.

Requirements for each section of Race

Cycle: Bike (any type), Helmet, pump & repair kit (bike shoes can be left attached to bike clips, and mountain shoes carried for cycle) Organiser will transport bikes back to bike rack at Start/ Finish, no one can collect from Cloghan unless they get ticket at registration.
Mountain: mountain running shoes, equipment list above 
Run: Suitable footwear & clothing
Kayak: Buoyancy Aids, Kayaks and paddles (Single Sea Kayaks supplied by race organisers, unless you bring your own, any kayaks or kayaking equipment must be brought to registration area before 8.20am on race morning)

1 timer per team, make sure the cyclist has it for first leg.
Bus transport.
08.40  Bus to Cloghan for Mountain runners/ walkers/ hikers, 
10.30 First Bus to Baile Braic for road runners
11.30 Second Bus to Baile Braic for road runners
12.00 Bus to Baile Braic for road runners
1.15 ish Bus to Baile Braic for road runners

Organiser will transport bikes back to bike rack at Start/ Finish


Watch cycle from top of Conor Pass, 
Mountain Brandon, no cars to drive past Cloghan.
Kayak: Best to Watch from marina Wall near marina (finish line)
People not competing are asked to limit the driving on the course.

After Party
Danno's Bar (opposite the tourist office), Dingle
20.45 Prize giving and presentations
21.15 + into the night after-party in Dannos Bar near the marina, live music and light food, Dingle

Kayaking training on the following dates:

Sat 24th May5.30-7.30 Dingle

Wed 28th May 6.30-8.30pm  Killarney

Thurs 29th May 6.30-8.30pm Fenit

Fri 30th May 6.30-8.30pm Dingle


To book call or text Noel on 0874190318, cost €25 each limited palces, min 4 people per session






Dingle Adventure Race Map

Kayak Training evenings

Improve your kayak skills, techniques or just gain confidence for the kayaking section of Dingle Adventure Race. 2 hour evening training in Dingle and lakes of Killarney, cost €20

Dates 2011

23rdMay Monday Dingle 7-9pm
26th May Thursday killarney 7-9pm
31st May Tuesday Dingle 7-9pm
2nd June Thursday Killarney 7.30-9.30pm

Contact Noel to book on 0874190318 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dear competitors,

The Dingle Adventure Race map is now up on the site.

Map of Route


  1. Cycle

  2. Mountain Hike

  3. Run

  4. Kayak

Route description

1. Cycle: Dingle to Cloghane via Conor Pass. Distance 25km / 15.5 mls Height Gain 490m, Height Loss 490m

All of cycle is on surfaced roads.

2. Hike / Mountain Run. Cloghane to Baile Breac.  Distance 10km / 6.5mls Height Gain 950m, Height Loss 780m

All of Mountain Hike Run is on rough trails.

3. Road Run. Baile Breac to Milltown Bridge, Dingle. Distance 10.5km / 6.8mls Height Gain 60m, Height Loss 230m

4. Kayak. Kayak Loop 2km then run 1km to Dingle Marina. Distance 3km / 1.5 mls Height Loss or Gain 0


Total Distance 48km/30 mls Height Gain 1470m / 4,850ft Height Loss 1470m / 4,850ft